Common Questions
Stay Connected

Savvy Citizen is a FREE notification system for Apple and Android users that will enable the township to send information about important township news and events directly to residents’ mobile devices. Residents may access Savvy Citizen by downloading the smartphone app.

No phone? No problem. Visit the Savvy Citizen web site below, sign-up, and choose email as your delivery method.

Contact Us - 1,2,3

(814) 899-3171, 8:00am – 4:30pm
Use this form to contact our office staff by email. We do our best to reply in a timely fashion to those who leave accurate contact information.

Be advised, some of our staff only check their email during regular business hours, Mon. – Fri., 8am to 4:30pm.
* Required Field
1. Choose Recipient(s) *
Township Supervisors

Township Staff

Your Harborcreek
Sewer Authority
Tax Collector
2. Complete Required Fields *
Your Name *
Phone # *
Mailing Address *
Email Address *
Your Message *
3. Confirm & Submit *
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