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Salvation Army

Drop-off your gently used shoes and clothing here at the Municipal Building. Look for the large white Salvation Army – Donation Collection Bin setting outside in front of the building.

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Leaf Pickup

As part of the agreement Harborcreek Township has with Waste Management, township residents will have a free pickup of their leaves 2 weeks in the spring and 4 weeks in the fall. Closer to that time those specific dates are posted on our township , , and notifications are sent out on .
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Currently posted dates:

No pickup dates currently posted.

Leaves will be picked up curbside on the residents regular refuse day by Waste Management. Leaves should be bagged in clear plastic bags no larger than 33 gallon capacity. These leaves are delivered directly to the compost pile at Harborcreek Township.
Harborcreek residents may also bring their leaves to the township compost site at any time during the year – but must empty leaves out of the bags and dispose of bags on their own. The compost site is located behind the municipal garage, follow the road / signs to the right of the salt sheds.
Compost for Sale
Available in the spring, summer and early fall for pickup only on Friday’s, noon to 3:00pm. This compost is created from the decomposed leaves collected from residents. Call the Township for availability and instructions.
  • $25.00 pickup only.
Compost Facility Update
Beginning March 1, 2020, Grass Clippings are NO LONGER being accepted at the Harborcreek Township Compost Facility. The township has no avenue to dispose of grass clippings and with many being contaminated with commercial “weed and feed” products, grass cannot be added to our compost mix. Waste management will accept bagged grass clippings on regular refuse day. In addition, any leaves that are dropped off MUST BE removed from plastic bags and bags must be taken. Limbs, logs or tree stumps larger than 6 inches in diameter are NOT PERMITTED to be dropped off at the compost site.
Make your own Compost
Green materials such as grass clippings or fresh green plant parts supply nitrogen. Brown materials such as dead leaves and plants are high in carbon. Mixing the two assures good conditions for the microbes and fungi that actually decompose the plant material. Compost is ready when it looks like rich crumbly earth.
Materials that should not be put in the backyard compost pile because they may cause odors, attract pests, or create other nuisances include meat, fish, poultry, cooked kitchen waste, grease, bones, fat, dairy products, lard, peanut butter, salad dressing, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, weeds with developed seed heads, diseased plants or leaves, poison ivy.

More information and resources can be found on the .
Contact Waste Management
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Hours: 8am – 4:30pm

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