Contact Us
Hours: 8am – 4:30pm
Superintendent of Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Officer
Superintendent of Roads
Roads Secretary
Common Questions
Animals / Pets
Animal Control Ordinance
The Townships Animal Control Ordinance applies to all animals, not just dogs. Animal owners may not permit their animals to do the following:
- Run loose on the public streets, highways, or the property of others.
- Allow their animals to make loud or harsh noises (barking, etc.) which disturbs the neighbors.
- Allow their animals to befoul the property of others.
Dog license (yearly, January – December)
Dog owners must obtain a dog license every January of each year. They are available at the Erie County Court House or various locations including Harborcreek Township Municipal Building.
- There is a $.50 per license charge for processing when purchased at the Harborcreek Township Municipal Bldg.
- If mailing, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope and payment.
- Senior citizen (person over 65 years old), please sign form.
Go to the Erie County Website and apply for a new license or renew an existing license, all online. You can also print out the dog license from Erie County Website, fill it out, then bring it with you to the Municipal Building, or mail it – include the application, a self addressed stamped envelope, and check or money order for license fee made payable to: Bureau of Revenue.
MAIL TO: Revenue Bureau,
Erie County Courthouse,
140 West Sixth Street – Room 109,
Erie, PA 16501
Dead Animals
Deceased Animals along Roadways.
- Deceased deer found on township roadways within the Township of Harborcreek, should be reported directly to the Pennsylvania Game Commission at 814-432-3187 or visit their web site at PA Game Commission.
- If the deceased deer is on a state road then contact PennDOT at (800) 349-7623.
- Deceased dogs & cats found on Township roadways should be reported directly to Harborcreek Township at (814) 899-3171.
- Additional Resources can be found on our Community Directory under Animal Control.