Contact Us
For additional local information, please contact our Emergency Management Office.

Hours: 8am – 4:30pm

EMA Coordinator

Connect with Us

Savvy Citizen is a FREE notification system for Apple and Android users that will enable the township to send information about important township news and events directly to residents’ mobile devices. Residents may access Savvy Citizen by downloading the smartphone app.

No phone? No problem. Visit the Savvy Citizen web site below, sign-up, and choose email as your delivery method.

Emergency Management

Preparing for natural disasters – high winds, winter storms, power outages, flooding, and infectious disease, for example – is not just a responsibility of government; it is the responsibility of every citizen and business.

Communities and their residents are encouraged to make preparedness for emergencies and disasters a personal priority. Although the Township government has initiated a series of steps to prepare itself and protect its residents against disasters, individuals are urged to plan for such situations as school closings, the inability to get to work, or if a family member becomes sick or injured.
Why prepare? Disaster can strike quickly and without warning, anytime or anywhere. Would you know what to do if it happened today? Even though you may not be able to control a disaster or stop it from happening, you do have control over how you will respond to one. Protecting yourself and your family in an emergency requires planning. Being prepared will not only help you respond effectively in a dangerous situation, but it can also help you to lessen the impact of a disaster, and sometimes even avoid the danger completely. Remember, local responders may not be able to reach you immediately, or they may need to focus their efforts elsewhere. Your ability to be self-sufficient may be a matter of survival for you and your family. Don’t wait for help that may not be available or may come too late. Take control of your own safety – it can save your life!
Around the Home
Contact Us
For additional local information, please contact our Emergency Management Office.

Hours: 8am – 4:30pm

EMA Coordinator

Savvy Citizen is a FREE notification system for Apple and Android users that will enable the township to send information about important township news and events directly to residents’ mobile devices. Residents may access Savvy Citizen by downloading the smartphone app.

No phone? No problem. Visit the Savvy Citizen web site below, sign-up, and choose email as your delivery method.

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